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//Create new Window

options = "toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0," +
newwindow=window.open("","mywindow", options);

The Window.open() method

When I want to open a new window, first I think of a name for the window, such as MyWindow. Then I open the window with this command:
MyWindow = window.open()

The window.open method can have 3 optional parameters. Parameters are things you can type inside the parentheses to specify how you want the window to open. The 3 parameters are:

  1. A URL so that the window contains a specific HTML document.
  2. A title for the window
  3. A set of options for the window's appearance, including height and width.

For example, let's say I created a page called mytest.htm. It might be as simple as this:

<TITLE>Test Page </TITLE>
This is only a test

I could open it into a new window like this.
NewWindow = window.open("mytest.htm")

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