[an error occurred while processing this directive] CGI - A free tutorial for the Total Non-Programmer.
CGI - Let's get startedCGI - Introduction to Perl

Introduction to Perl.

Preparing the template.

From now on you will be able to copy template.txt every time you want to create a new CGI.

Creating a test file

We will now create a test CGI and upload it to the server.
NOTE: Some servers allow your CGI programs to be anywhere in your web directories, so long as the file name ends in ".cgi". Others require you to put them only in the "/cgi-bin" directory. Check with your system administrator.

Congratulations, you just created your first CGI.  Getting used to Unix is the hardest part.  The rest is easy.  Hang on, we're going to have some fun.

BACKYou're ready to move on to the scripts

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