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Creating a file

When we run the CGI to add entries to the guestbook, we will essentially tell it to append a new line to the bottom of guestbook.log.  Therefore, we need to have a file called guestbook.log in place before we begin.

Open your PC word processor (or Emacs if you like) and copy this line to the top of a new file.


Press Return just once at the end of the line, then save it as

Use your FTP program to upload guestbook.log to the perltour folder on the server.

From a Unix prompt, type chmod a+rw guestbook.log and press [ENTER].
The log file does not need to be executable, but we do need for the CGI programs to be able to read and write to it, so we are granting rw priviliges.

BACKLet's create the CGI

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